Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Buzzy Bee for Christmas

(Time for something a little more lighthearted after that last post...)

Life in Shanghai with 2 small children at home, as I may have mentioned once or twice (or 50 times), is a real challenge. Mining resources in a foreign country is never easy but with nearly every child over the age of 2 enrolled in school, resources for entertaining your little ones if you are outside of the conventional school system are very difficult to come by. Luckily for me I have come to know some pretty amazing women who have stepped forward to help fill the vacuum. Sarah, a teacher, and Miia, a graphic designer, both with children Vivienne's age, are the brains behind the recently unveiled Buzzy Bee box and we couldn't wait to get into ours after we picked it up today.
Thanksgiving has passed and we have begun to allow ourselves to look towards Christmas, the theme for this first box from Buzzy Bee. Each box will have 3 or 4 crafts, a book, some songs and a game surrounding a relevant theme; seven or eight activities in all. First we read "The Snowman", by Raymond Briggs. Then we sang Frosty the Snowman. And then sang it again. And again. (Once more for good measure?) We practiced some subtraction by reciting the poem "Five Little Snowmen Standing in a Line". Then we eagerly dug in to choose a craft. Conrad wanted to do the Christmas tree.

We donned our introductory gift aprons and started skewering foam balls on toothpicks and painting.

As they were drying we sprinkled them with magic golden fairy dust.
 We cut out the golden star for the top.
And we put it all together. 
Our first Christmas decorations of the year! We can't wait to do another project tomorrow. Thank you Miia and Sarah!!

A big hug to you as we begin the Christmas Season. Missing you all~

1 comment:

  1. How fabulous is that?! I hope they get that Busy Bee Box thing onto mass production. What a terrific idea! Have you thought about researching some good ol' US home schooling stuff? I know - gut reaction is "NO THANK YOU!". But my dear SU friend and RA alumna is home schooling all 3 of her kids outside DC and they are all healthy and well adjusted and not over the top on any of the subjects typically associated with hoe schoolers. I'm trying to be PC here, am I failing? Anyway, since I just saw her in late August and her eldest daughter just returned the seeing eye pup she's been training at home, she's on my mind a bit. She's on FB. Let me know if you think it might help to put you in touch with each other? She has her MS in Instructional Design & Development - not sure if that is as cool as being a Stamp Monster, but its the degree I had wanted but could not afford...and I digress.

    Speaking of digressing, here's a tangent...I was packing up my desk for our office move and found someone's old Public Notary embossing stamp! Of course I thought of you. I also thought "Who is crazy enough to leave something like this behind?" right?

    Love you miss you!!!
