Friday, November 23, 2012

The Grittier Side of Living in China

Warning: the content of this post might be very distressing to some readers. 

Generally I keep the topics here very light as this is meant to be a memoir, my family's enjoyable account of our time in Shanghai. But the fact remains that this is China. I have been fortunate so far to avoid much of the unpleasantness that we often hear about the Chinese culture in contrast to our Western cultures but today one aspect of it fell on my head like a ton of bricks. Unfortunately it is very nearly outside my front door and we will probably not be able to completely escape it. 

Today I received this email through our neighborhood Google Group:

Hi neighbors,

I just want to make everyone aware that the 'new' chicken restaurant just outside the main gates {of our compound} are currently displaying what I believe are whole fried dogs.

Beth and I took a walk down there to double check this afternoon and we are pretty sure that is what the carcasses hanging on the rack outside the restaurant are.   I took a photo to show my Ayi and she agreed too.

As far as I am aware this is perfectly legal and the meat is considered a bit of delicacy.  Personally as an animal lover and dog owner, I obviously don't agree with it and I am only mentioning it in case you want to shield your children from seeing it.  I know my kids would be horrified.

Best wishes,


Life in China is always an adventure. Some days adventure simply means "we experienced some new, unusual and interesting things today. Perhaps we challenged our comfort zone". Today it is a euphemism for "Holy Christ, I'd rather have a sharp stick in the eye than go through that experience again." 

I think I will make it a practice to close my eyes from now on everytime we drive in and out of the front gate. The good news is that we usually come from the left side and the restaurant is on the right. I can only hope my children never get close enough to see it. 


  1. Remember the story I told you? I was about 14 at that time. Still couldn't get over the thought that the supermarket is selling dog meat.

  2. Holy. Schnikees. I'll take that stick in BOTH eyes just to get them to stop that particular practice!! Hope the kids never ever have to see that up close.
