Sunday, November 17, 2013

Martinfest 2013

Last year Conrad and Vivienne celebrated Martinstag in Shanghai with the German Playgroup we regularly attended there. I cannot believe a year has passed and the time to celebrate Martinstag has come around again.
This year, in Chiang Mai, we celebrated with their school. The children spent a few art classes making their lanterns for an evening celebration. The festivities took place on the grounds of the McKean
Hospital and Rehabilitation Center, not far from the German School.
The evening began with a picnic dinner on the lawn.
As darkness approached, everyone got their lanterns ready. Vivienne was very proud of hers: a red Ferrari, logo and all, fashioned out of an empty liter water bottle. Conrad went very traditional this year.
Everyone gathered in the nearby open-air church to sing some lantern songs, accomapnied by a guitar trio made up of 3 of the teachers, including Conrad's teacher Herr Tetzel.
A re-enactment of St. Martin sharing his coat with the beggar was provided by the first grade class.
As it got dark, we lit the lanterns and walked around the property, led by the guitar trio. The kids proudly and joyfully sang the songs they have learned over the last few weeks.
Vivienne happily carried her Ferrari.
Heinz and I walked with the lanterns that the kids made last year. They made songbooks also this year so I was even able to sing along, seeing the lyrics. I know all the melodies by now from listening to them singing the songs at home.
Conrad mostly walked with his friends but I did manage to catch up with him and get a picture of him, too.
The McKean Center, a branch of the Church of Christ in Thailand and formerly a leprosarium, has a Nursing Home facility at the heart of its campus. The children stopped in to deliver some cheer and songs to the residents.
After making all the rounds and singing all of the songs, everyone was invited to a bonfire in one of the nearby lots. Those who wanted to could toast bread dough on long sticks in the fire. 
Conrad actually even ate his! 
It was a lovely clear night, but still not cool enough to warrant spending much time around a bonfire! The kids had fun and that is always the most important part. And I enjoyed watching them. I felt a lot of nostalgia for our Shanghai friends, but that's nothing new.

Hope your lights are shining brightly~

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