Friday, February 1, 2013

Conrad is 6!

Can it be possible? Where does the time go?

 A couple of weeks before his birthday Conrad informed me that this year he wanted a jet plane cake. So I put on my thinking cap and began planning his party around that theme. Since the majority of his guest list was away for the Christmas holiday we decided to wait until after New Year and choose a date when all his friends could attend. 

Vivi and I got started preparing for the big day a few days before by making jet plane cookies for the guests to decorate. She is becoming quite the Betty Crocker, I must say! Or perhaps Betty Bossi, in honor of her Swiss roots~
Roll ‘n cut, roll ‘n cut!

After much planning and a few date changes, we were ready for the big day! Conrad’s friends arrived and we got the party rolling with a rousing game of “Musical Airplanes”! Adlan played DJ while everyone danced to Conrad’s song of Choice: Elvis Presley’s “A Little Less Conversation”. When the music stopped everyone raced to, instead of chairs, one of the jet planes taped to the living room floor. The Birthday Boy won that one!

Next everyone made and decorated paper airplanes for a series of very competitive airplane throwing challenges.
Lots of prizes were won in a number of different categories: landing your plane inside the fireplace, throwing it the farthest, landing it in the circle. It proved a bit frustrating for a few of the budding engineer, perfectionists in attendance, but I think overall they enjoyed it!

Having earned a break, the guests moved on to the cookie decorating. This was a big hit with everyone!
Everyone is very busy, working away at their masterpieces~
A finished product…seconds before it flies into Conrad’s mouth!
Colorful tongues! (It’s not Chinese food coloring, so hopefully it’s not toxic!)

We couldn’t deter Conrad from his presents any longer so we took a few moments to open gifts. Conrad was thrilled with the amount of Lego swag he took in! Then it was on to the final craft: candy airplanes.
Everyone decorated their pieces and then assembled their aircrafts.
A new piece of equipment for Her Majesty's Royal Air Force!
Do I detect Daddy’s hand behind the scenes on this one?
We had representatives of the RAF, the Swiss contingent and the USAF!

Time for the cake! Everyone gathers around and gets ready to sing.

All in all it was a crazy two hours: seven very excited 5-8 year-old boys and various siblings can certainly make a lot of noise! But as always, it was well worth it. I think a good time was had by all.

Happy Birthday Conrad!

1 comment:

  1. OMG can it be 6 years already? Looks like a fabulous time was had by all. Was that your Mum in the background? How cool to have her there! I know, I need to reply to your last email. Long story but I'll explain in PM. Miss you love you!
