Thursday, August 2, 2012

August 1st - a Swiss Celebration

Please allow me to introduce to you two of Switzerland's newest citizens:
I promise you, they are happier about it than they look in this photo!
As this year was a little extra special (we received word of Vivi's paperwork being completed just last week) we decided to have a little party to celebrate Switzerland's Indpendence Day, August 1st. In the past we have always been so fortunate to participate in the awesome activities hosted by the Swiss Club of Central Indiana, but this year we were on our own.

The history of Swiss Independence dates back to the Federal Charter of 1291. This year Switzerland is 721 years old! Happy Birthday Confoederatio Helvetica!
We started the day in our Switzerland shirts, waving our flags, having breakfast with Daddy. Then he had to go to work-seems silly that SwissLog China doesn't observe the most important Swiss holiday with a day off for its local employees! We passed some time playing the iPad apps "Name the Canton Flags" (I don't mean to brag but Mommy can score 26 of 26 in less than 1:00!) and "Coin-Rolling", in which players try to keep a five franc coin rolling around an earthenware bowl, which eventually resonates with a continuous humming tone. Then it was on to the main attraction: the water sports! (The Swiss are known for their water sports, right?) Seemingly unrelated, we recently participated in a focus group for one of the pool makers here in China, Bestway, which makes most of the inflatable pools sold in the States and as a result got a free backyard paddling pool! Perfect for the festivities! But filling it up was quite a challenge. Our hose attachment is quite, er, Chinese so when turned on strong enough to get the water out the other end, 70% of the water was shooting straight up into the air. Time to do my MacGyver act!
A dishtowel on the faucet to funnel the offshoot, a few buckets to make a brigade, two goofball children and we're on our way! Problem solved; the pool was full in 20 minutes instead of 2 hours! 
Which left me just enough time to finish decorating and setting the table with all of the snacks.
The guest list was quite varied: our German AuPair, a British family, an Australian family and a friend from New Zealand. Sadly the invited French and Chinese families were unable to join us. A few of the kids colored the flags we made for them but mostly they all just ran around the backyard and shot each other with water guns! We had a wonderful time with wurstsalat and cheeses for lunch and ice cream sandwiches for dessert.
Unfortunately, as always happens when I play hostess, I pretty much forgot the camera duties so much of the festivities remain undocumented. Maybe next year some of you can join us, when I hopefully celebrate my own (dual) citizenship. First I have to pass that background check...

Happy First of August to you all~

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