Friday, April 6, 2012

A Chinese Egg for Easter

Those of you who have lived outside of the States may have experienced the fact that in many places eggs are not refrigerated in the grocery store. (Probably another example of how divorced we have become from our food chain's origins but I'm not getting into that now...) I've learned long ago to get over my Western hangups and just get on with it but the other day I found this egg in my carton after I brought it home:
I guess the good news is that if I had a potential prayer of navigating the system I could call the supplier and track it's origin based on it's i.d. stamped on the bottom!
I have not decided what I want to do with it so it is languishing in my fridge. Place your vote now; should I:
open it and then cook it, or cook it and then open it. What would you do? My curiousity is building, but is not yet strong enough for me to actually open it...I'm still too afraid of what I might find!

In the meantime I boiled the rest and a few neighbors came over to help us decorate them.

Happy Easter Everyone!!

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