Thursday, January 5, 2012

Fun with Food, Episode 2

I really did not think I would have enough material for a new food blog this soon but this one is simply begging to be written.

Earlier this week, during the last few days of my Mom's visit we went back to YuYuan for the afternoon. Around the corner from the stall selling Skull Soup I found this:

I call it "Cornish Hen Tepee". Hungry yet?
On the walk back to the car after a very pleasant afternoon of lunch at the Old Shanghai Tea House and a leisurely walk through the actual Jade Garden (Yùyuán-more on that to follow) we came across this lovely sight.
Here, let's get a closer look:
Yes, that's chicken, suspended above the street on plastic-coated hangers. It appears to me that they are completely gutted but what I don't understand is how they get them so flat? They look like something from the Aliens special effects cabinet. Let's get the full effect and look at them from the back...
Surely you are hungry by now, which is good because on the way to our next destination, we pass the this place:
And if you need a little something sweet after you eat, perhaps you would like one of these:
Yes, that is a tomato flavored "lollie" as my British friends call them. And no, it does not taste any better than you might imagine. It simply tastes like tomato paste. With a little more sugar then anyone should ever add to a tomato.  

Welcome to the New Year! Let's hope the food choices get better from here on out! Our love to you all~

1 comment:

  1. Jack! Thank you so much for the XMas card all the way from China. I was actually eating my Big Fish from Burger King (plain of course)while reading this. Mistake! This is why I couldn't go to China. I would starve!! Hope you are all well and that you enjoyed your visit with Big Jackie. Love to all <3 Sue
